

About the Practice

Jessica Elwart Therapy offers support in assisting others to understand their body connection.  The practice is built on a fat liberating, non-diet ideology using honest communication, relational straight-forward feedback, and humor.  Our approach is based in creativity and play aiming at reconnecting you with your instrument in a more authentic existence. 

Perhaps you have just had a baby or you’re experiencing menopause. Maybe you had a traumatic accident and are unable to use your body the way you once did.  Maybe your body is sending you clues of an experience in your past that your mind no longer remembers. Maybe you are a person experiencing the changes of transitioning and need support around accepting your body. I am a Licensed Creative Arts Therapist with experience in working with eating disorders. I have a special concentration in working with clients that have Binge Eating Disorder, in addition to Anorexia and Bulimia. I am anti-diet, anti-fitness industry, anti-BMI and consider food scarcity and economic status to be major factors in most experiences with eating disorders. I am trauma-informed and have a passion for studying the racial foundation of fat-phobia. Whatever you’re going through with your body, we can be curious about it together.